Dressed to impress? Join the fun of costuming and role-playing if you like in our Cosplay Commonroom! There will be organizations and special guests present to showcase their dedication to the craft as well as teach newcomers how to get started.

Additionally, we’ve got some fun activities lined up! This year’s convention will include a Cosplay Masquerade with awards for Best Hero, Best Villain, Best Craftsmanship, and Most Accurate Video Game Character. Our special guests will be leading a few panels and there will be a Thrifty Cosplay Contest as well.

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There are bound to be rules for any activity. Our number one rule is to respect the space of others – cosplay is not consent. Ask to take photos or touch any part of another person’s costume. The breast area and groin must be completely covered.

As for planning your props, they must not be metal, have sharp edges, or have any projectile capabilities/elements.

So, for rules, it boils down to:

-Everyone is open to sign up for the contest regardless of homemade or bought

-No nudity

-No real weapons as props including pyrotechnics. 

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